We are the result of our upbringing and conditioning which are largely influenced by our parents, relatives, school, peer group, books, and electronic/print media. We are open for new thoughts and ideas which are helping us to revisit and revise our established ideas and beliefs, as change is a perpetual process.

We practice and preach human rights and gender justice. We stand for universal human values. However, we can also foresee potential challenges to our deep-rooted belief on universal human rights and values.    

Like us, our children are also getting exposed to learning from various above-listed sources and none of us will disagree that they are quick and smarter than their parents. Which off-course is a matter of pride but, equally a cause of concern as we also understand the flip side of such uncontrolled exposure.

We certainly don’t believe in control and censor of information but, are cautious about the content and nature of the information that is reaching to them. So we do wish to add our knowledge to part of their learning from various other sources of knowledge. The objectives are to help our children…  
❖ to grow humane and just.
❖ to help them overcome guilt, inhibition, confusion related to their identity
❖ to prepare with answers which are rare or unconventional for society
❖ and to develop an understanding about faith, culture, caste, etc.    

Therefore, with consideration to the above understanding, Dhanak has decided to organize a series of workshops with children. The first workshop is being organized on 22nd June 2019 from 10 am to 1 pm at Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi.

We request for a contribution of Rs.100/- per child which will be used for providing refreshment and gifts for participating children.

One of the parents is requested to accompany their child to the venue.

Kindly confirm the participation of your children in the proposed workshop at the earliest.

With kind regards,

Asif & Ranu
Email – dhanak.humanity@gmail.com