CHAYAN Program Schedule 2014

CHAYAN meet on 4th and 5th November 2014 at Pune, Maharashtra

Dear Friends,

Greetings from DHANAK & MANS!

Organizations viz. Association for Advocacy and Legal Initiatives (Lucknow), DHANAK (Delhi), Nirantar (Delhi), Rashtriya Dalit Mahila Andolan (Delhi) and Mahila Swarozgar Sangh (Banaras) jointly formed “CHAYAN- A Consortium for Promotion of Right to Choose in marriage/alliance” on 24th November 2012 at Delhi with the following objectives:

  • Knowledge Sharing: Forming an e-group and sharing information on that group for regular updates on issues. The shared information can be used for advocacy.
  • Reaching out to different groups: academicians, media, civil societies, and other stakeholders
  • Policy Change: Especially in the Special Marriage Act (SMA)
  • Condemnation: Written condemnation of the acts of denial of right to choice, harassment, dis-honour killings, acid attacks, etc. on couples or individual supporting inter-faith alliances on behalf of the CHAYAN and seeking action on such cases
  • Six-monthly meetings: to be held at the National Level
  • Research: Conducting studies on the issue of the cases that have been framed as Kidnaps by the police or family etc and presenting facts to influence public opinion
  • Sharing of Good Practices: In 2010, Chandigarh High Court passed a judgment that those couples facing threat to their lives could seek refuge in state-run Shelter Homes. Such cases could be highlighted in front of the wider audience

After its formation, CHAYAN organized 2 meetings on 19th October 2013 and 15th February 2014 at Delhi for the discussions on legal and systemic challenges related to the Right to Choose. These meetings also helped in increasing the number of member organizations in CHAYAN.

The next CHAYAN meeting is being organized by Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti (MANS) at Pune, Maharashtra on 4th and 5th November 2014. The agendas for the proposed meeting are:

  1. Formation of working committee or CHAYAN
  2. Presentation of state report by participating organizations
  3. Finalization & release of 1st draft of policy paper by CHAYAN

You are requested to book your travel tickets accordingly. MANS and DHANAK is not in capacity to reimburse your travel expenses therefore, you are requested to arrange and manage your tour expenses. However, we will be pleased to arrange for your food and stay during your period of 2-3 days at Pune.

With best wishes,

Avinash Patil

Madhav Bawge

Asif Iqbal