Hindu Women, Muslim Men: Love Jihad and Conversions – By Prof. Charu Gupta, University of Delhi

The fake claim by the Hindu right that there is a “Love Jihad”organisation which is forcing Hindu women to convert to Islam through false expressions of love is similar to a campaign in the 1920s in north India against alleged “abductions”. Whether 1920 or 2009, Hindu patriarchal notions appear deeply entrenched in such campaigns: images of passive victimised Hindu women at the hands of inscrutable Muslims abound, and any possibility of women exercising their legitimate right to love and their right to choice is ignored.

Click on the link to read the history of #LoveJihad —

Hindu Women Muslim Men Love Jihad

Interfaith Marriages and Negotiated Spaces – An article by Shweta Verma and Neelam Sukhramani

A discourse on interfaith marriages in India at present involves diverse narratives ranging from opposition and resistance to acceptance. These alliances deserve greater focus in terms of their uniqueness, challenges as well as everyday negotiations that form part of their lives. Based on narratives of respondents from Dhanak, an organisation of inter-caste and interfaith couples, this article presents some domains of their lives and spaces being negotiated by them within their families. These domains include the issue of conversion, protecting identity, celebration of diversity and socialization of children, perceptions of themselves
vis-à-vis other families and parental outlook towards the alliance.

Click here to read the entire article: Interfaith Marriages and Negotiated Spaces

आप सभी दोस्तों को धनक का सबरंगी सलाम!

आप सभी दोस्तों को धनक का सबरंगी सलाम!

धनक प्यार करने वाले दो व्यक्तियों को मिलाने का काम करता है…इस काम मे बहुत जोख़िम और रोमांच दोनों ही शुमार है….अक्सर प्रेमी जोड़ों को अपने परिवार या सामाज के ठेकेदारों के जुल्म से बचने के लिए, कुछ समय के लिए छुपना पड़ता है…इसलिए धनक आप सब से मदद की अपील करता है…

धनक का अपना कोई ऑफिस नहीं है…इसलिए, जो मित्र इन ज़रूरतमंद प्रेमी जोड़ों को २-३ दिनों का आश्रय दे सकतें हैं, वो अपनी रजामंदी फ़ोन संख्या 8750157676 या dhanak4humanity@gmail.com पर लिखें…