by Dhanak of Humanity | Jan 14, 2018 | #InterfaithMarriage, #RightToChoose, #SAHAS2018, #Special MarriageAct, Dhanak, Hindu Muslim, Honour Crimes, Honour Killing, Interfaith Marriage, Right to Choose, SAHAS
Please join us to –
C E L E B R A T E—–L O V E!
[wpvideo aWcI4V5L]
S A H A S (Strengthening Alliances for Humanity and Secularism)
Let’s –
Celebrate Our Diversity!
Embrace Our Differences!
Humanise Our Society!
Program Highlights:
* Street Theatre
* Solidarity Walk
* Photo Booth
* Remembering the Victims of Hate
* Panel Discussion: Breaking the Myth of Love Jihad
* Felication of Interfaith/Inter-caste Couples
* Release of Samvaad and Sahas Books
* Pledge for Humanity
by Dhanak of Humanity | Jan 2, 2018 | #InterfaithMarriage, #RightToChoose, #SAHAS2018, #Special MarriageAct, Dhanak, Hindu Muslim, Interfaith Marriage, SAHAS
Please listen to Mr. Asif Iqbal talk about Love, Interfaith Marriage, Special Marriage Act and why some interfaith couples are forced to choose a religious ceremony over the Special Marriage Act –
[wpvideo rIq3xTgN]
by Dhanak of Humanity | Aug 2, 2017 | #CHAYAN, #InterfaithMarriage, #NDTVIndia, #RightToChoose, #SpecialMarriageAct, Dhanak, Honour Crimes, Honour Killing, Inter-caste Marriage, Interfaith Marriage, Ravish Kumar NDTV, Right to Choose, SAHAS, Special Marriage Act
Watch Ravish Kumar talk to Dhanak members on Valentine’s Day, 2017 about the various issues regarding Interfaith/Inter-caste marriages in India.
The show includes a candid conversation with parents of interfaith couples discussing their feelings about their son/daughter marrying someone from a different religion.
PrimeTime with Ravish Kumar Feb 14, 2017 धर्म , जाति से बाहर कितना मुश्किल है शादी करना ?
by Dhanak of Humanity | Feb 16, 2017 | #CHAYAN, Dhanak, Inter-caste Marriage, Interfaith Marriage, Right to Choose, SAHAS, Special Marriage Act
by Dhanak of Humanity | Feb 15, 2017 | Asif, Dhanak, Honour Killing, Interfaith Marriage, Ravish Kumar NDTV, Right to Choose, SAHAS
UPDATE – Dhanak will be on air at 92.7 Big FM on Saturday, February 18, 2017 at:
- 9:00 AM all over India
- 10:00 AM in Delhi
Media coverage from Dhanak’s event (SAHAS-2017) on February 14, 2017. Click on the links below to view/read –
With Ravish Kumar’s Show on Primetime NDTV
Read the write-up by Ravish Kumar
Times Of India article by Avijit Ghosh
Navbharat Times article by Avijit Ghosh
by Dhanak of Humanity | Feb 13, 2017 | #CHAYAN, Dhanak, Inter-caste Marriage, Interfaith Marriage, Right to Choose, SAHAS

1:00 – 3:00 PM
♥ Peace March
♥ Street Theater Performance
3:00 – 6:00 PM
♥ Welcome note by the President of Dhanak of Humanity
♥ Representatives from various social organizations share views
♥ Recognition of couples in mixed relationships and their parents
♥ Speech by Sh. Ravish Kumar (schedule permitting)
♥ Challenges of Honor Crimes
♥ Keynote address
♥ Dhanak Pledge for Humanity
6:00 – 8:00 PM
♥ Tea
♥ Celebrating Love and Humanity by couples and individuals

8:00 PM onward
♥ Dinner