by Dhanak of Humanity | Nov 25, 2018 | Dhanak, Forced Marriage, Honour Crimes, Honour Killing, Inter-caste Marriage, Interfaith Marriage, No Forced Marriage, Policy, Right to Choose, Special Marriage Act
We are gearing up for SAHAS 2019!
Urging all creative minds who wish to make a positive impact/create social awareness, to participate in our 2nd annual short film competition! Read carefully below for guidelines and details. Let us know if you have any questions.
Please share this with friends, colleges, and schools. We are happy to provide A3 hard copies on request.
by Dhanak of Humanity | Dec 4, 2017 | #CHAYAN, #InterfaithMarriage, #RightToChoose, #Special MarriageAct, Dhanak, Forced Marriage, Hindu Muslim, Interfaith Marriage, No Forced Marriage, Right to Choose, Special Marriage Act
The fake claim by the Hindu right that there is a “Love Jihad”organisation which is forcing Hindu women to convert to Islam through false expressions of love is similar to a campaign in the 1920s in north India against alleged “abductions”. Whether 1920 or 2009, Hindu patriarchal notions appear deeply entrenched in such campaigns: images of passive victimised Hindu women at the hands of inscrutable Muslims abound, and any possibility of women exercising their legitimate right to love and their right to choice is ignored.
Click on the link to read the history of #LoveJihad —
by Dhanak of Humanity | Aug 4, 2017 | #CHAYAN, #InterfaithMarriage, #RightToChoose, #SpecialMarriageAct, Dhanak, Honour Crimes, Honour Killing, No Forced Marriage, Right to Choose, Special Marriage Act
Despite all efforts –
If you are unable to convince your family of your intent to marry the person of your choice
If you or your partner are fearful of being forced into a marriage with someone else
If you are fearful of honour crime
The Dhanak Organization welcomes you to Delhi. We are happy to provide lodging/boarding and other necessary needs.
Dhanak stands for Right to Choice in Marriage/Relationship. Together, we will create the necessary social change!
अगर कोई व्यक्ति, तमाम कोशिशों के बावजूद , अपनी मर्ज़ी के साथी के साथ अपना विवाह करने के लिए, अपने परिवार को मना नहीं पाया और उसे अपनी या अपने साथी की जबरन किसी और से शादी या ऑनर क्राइम की आशंका हो, तो वह बेखौफ़ दिल्ली चला आए. धनक नामक संगठन उनके रहने-खाने और बाकी ज़रूरतों का ख़याल रखने में दिली ख़ुशी मिलेगी. धनक right to choice in marriage and relationship के ज़रिये सामाजिक बदलाव के हक़ में है…