What is “Honour” Based Violence?
“Honour” based violence is an act on a person by his/her family members or by the community, due to the belief that the person brought shame or “dishonour” upon them.
Females are the most common victims of “honour” based violence. However, males can be victims, as well.
Some Types of “Honour” Based Violence:
Physical Abuse
Psychological Pressure
Forced Marriage
Forced Abortion
House Arrest
“Honour” Suicide
“Honour” Killing
Some Motives behind “Honour” Based Violence:
Falling in love with someone of your choice
Refusing to marry a person chosen by the family
Marrying someone of your choice
Loss of virginity outside of marriage
Pregnancy outside of marriage
A relationship outside of marriage
An Interactive Session with visiting German Journalists
The Media Ambassadors India – Germany, is a program funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation and is run in cooperation with the Center for Media Competence at the University of Tübingen.
As part of their fellowship program, German journalists visiting India had an interactive session with the DHANAK team.
The visitors were keen on understanding the delicate societal structure in India, and inter-religious marriages.
They were inquisitive about the different types of marriages, challenges of the Special Marriage Act, Inter-religious marriages, and the role of religion in marriages. They also shared the challenges of Inter-faith marriages in their country.
#InterfaithMarriage #IntercasteMarriage #MeriZindagiMeraFaisla #SpecialMarriageAct