Proposed legal and systemic changes by Dhanak for Right to Choice in Marriage

For the last nine years Dhanak has experienced various legal and systemic challenges for couples trying to exercise their constitutional rights related to their marriage. Dhanak is demanding the following changes for the recognition of Right to Choice in Marriage by the government of NCT Delhi.

Dhanak demands:

  • Change in the rules/guidelines for implementation of the Special Marriage Act-1954
    1. Provision of using proof of address from any state in India
    2. No intimation “Notice of Intended Marriage” to homes/family of marrying couple
    3. No intimation “Notice of Intended Marriage” to police stations
    4. Attestation of documents by officials receiving papers for marriage solemnization and registration
  • Establishing Government Protection Homes for couples in need
  • Establishing Counseling, Guidance, and Marriage Solemnization/Registration Center for Interfaith/Inter-caste couples
  • Public awareness Campaign on Gender Equality
  • Inclusion of Interfaith Marriage in State Scheme for providing incentives for alliances of such nature

Solidarity Home Visit – October 17th, 2015

Our Solidarity Home Visit on 17th October 2015 in Gurgaon on October 17th, 2015.


Solidarity Home Visit is our periodic meeting on the issues related to Right to Choose in marriage and relationship. The Solidarity Home Visit is organised in the house of couples in mixed marriage/relationship. Couples or individuals with similar or different background are encouraged participate.